More than 200 people gathered at the Kuss Middle School for the second annual Peace By Piece Summit on March 27, 2010  in an effort to highlight the many community resources that are helping to reduce violence in all of its forms. Members of the Peaceful Coalition were featured as the keynote speakers, and workshops held throughout the morning helped to promote a more peaceful community by presenting strategies, programs and policies that can address  violence prevention in Fall River. Topics included substance abuse, gang violence, prejudice reduction, domestic violence, inner peace, technology and neighborhood organizing. Presenters included Karen Fischer of BOLD, Amy Edwards of Lotus Rising, Steve Camara, Ruth Zakarin of the Katie Brown Educational Program, Rebecca Arruda of the Women's Center, Silvia Rudman of the District Attorney's Office, Fall River Police Officer John Lapointe, Peaceful Coalition advisors Ine Ogagan and Tom Khoury, and members of New Bedford's Neighborhoods United. Planning for the event was organized by the United Neighbors Community Partnership. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here to see all of the day's photos one at a time. Click here to see the photos as a movie with Tom Khoury's closing song as a background. Click here to see the video of everyone singing the closing song. For more information, contact United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.

(Top row, left and center) Brenda Viveiros from BMC HealthNet Plan, Jalen Castro and Jason Oliveira open the Summit by portraying people affected by different types of violence in their lives. (Top row, right) Former City Councilor Steve Camara begins a workshop on prejudice reduction by inviting people to talk about their own experiences. (Middle row, left) Khalil Jackson looks at Colby Benttencourt as he raises a question for Fall River Police Officer John Lapointe, Assistant District Attorney Robert DiGiantomaso and Peaceful Coalition advisor Tom Khoury in the workshop on gang violence. (Middle row, center) Christian Berrios and Peaceful Coalition and YouthBuild speaks on video about what he believes would make a peaceful Fall River. (Middle row, right) Henry Bousquet of the Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Association in New Bedford talks about how to mobilize an association to work for improved conditions. (Bottom row, left) Students follow the lead of Amy Edwards of Lotus Rising in a yoga exercise. (Bottom row, center) Reporter Mario Hilario of NBC Channel 10 news interviews United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp about the Summit. (Bottom row, right) Wendy applauds presenters Brenda Viveiros, Jalen Castro, Jason Oliveira, Annemarie Sharkey and Perry Long as they "complete the puzzle" of how to reduce violence.

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