Participating faculty and support staff for the 21st Century programs that operate in the William S. Greene and the John J. Doran Elementary Schools gathered at the sixth floor conference room of Government Center on April 27, 2011 to begin planning for a full program that will operate over the coming summer. Children at the Doran, Letourneau and Watson elementary schools will be transported to the Greene School where they will have the opportunity to attend academic and enrichment programs all day from July 11th to August 26th, 2011. Coordinated by Beverly Pavao, the federally-funded program helps students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children. Offering during the school year have included a computer club and classes in theatre and dance, Fall River history, fun with cooking and health eating. Click here for the draft mission/vision statement. Click here for photos of a December 2010 gathering of instructors. Click here for photos of a celebration of 21st Century summer programs held last September. For more information about the program, contact Beverly Pavao at 508-491-4822 or her cell number, 508-864-1883.


(Top row, left) City grant writer Jane DiBiasio looks over some preliminary materials with 21st Century Doran school coordinator Paul Moniz. (Top row, center) Jane and Paul listen as 21st Century program coordinator Beverly Pavao begins the meeting. (Top row, right) Title I director Siobhan Ryan listens as HealthFirst Family Care Center Director of Community Relations and Development Paula Harrison offers suggestion for programs focused on health.  (Middle row, left) Bristol Community College American History teacher Herb Tracy, Futsal Academy instructor Bill Sampaio, and Greene School 21st Century site coordinator Charlotte Doyle. respond to some of the suggestions for possible courses. (Middle row, right) Paul, Siobhan, Beverly and Paula consider some additional ideas. (Bottom row, left) Bill Sampaio describes the success of his Futsal program at the Doran School as Charlotte Doyle listens. (Bottom row, center) Rhode Island College student and Futsal instructor Tucker Shepard works with Jamy Cisneros at the Doran after-school program. (Bottom row, right) Charlotte Doyle listens as Whitsons School Nutrition district manager Joseph Armenti describes plans for the summer food service.

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