Communities are not solely made up of buildings and grounds, but individuals and families. The NHP Foundation (NHPF), which owns the Ships' Cove apartment building at 130 Canal Street, strives to empower its residents by providing the skills and programs necessary to break the cycle of poverty. NHPF was founded in 1989 with a mission to provide quality affordable multifamily housing and resident services for low and moderate income families. Operation Pathways is the multifaceted resident services program that offers child enrichment and adult education that meets the needs of the residents of the 201units in the 20-story high-rise. The Pathways program is overseen by program manager Donna Howard and includes active summer and after-school educational enrichment programs for children along with adult education, health, employment, and individual support services. Another focus of Operation Pathways is community building as all of the programs and services are open and available to the surrounding community. A new playground was recently dedicated to one of the building's longest residents, 102 year-old Rose Bolger. The mini-park, once full of trash and weeds, now offers a safe area for residents to play and picnic. For more information about the program, contact Liz Bode at 508-672-6790.

(Top row. left) Yashira Pedraza  and Jackie Hernandez work on a drawing together while Cierra Robinson and arts coordinator Christin Jezak, at the left in the background, prepare a new mural. (Top row, center) Cierra, Yashira and Shawn Wasilowski display their murals. (Top row, left) Jackie, Cierra and Yashira go through the lobby to the playground at the back of the building. (Middle row, left) Overdieue Quarles races Shawn through the new Rose Bolger Park. (Middle row, right) Yashira and Cierra play a game near the new playground equipment. (Bottom row, left) Overdieue and Shawn climb on the equipment. (Bottom row, right) Kenneth Feliciano, Eli Quarles and Shawn get some heart-healthy exercise.

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