Welcome to the Massachusetts InterCHNA Coalition!



MA DPH CHNA Directory

For photos and video of recent Inter-CHNA Gatherings, click on the photos below:

June 2015 Gathering in Milton

October 2014 Gathering in Canton

March 2014 Gathering in Millbury

October 2013 Gathering in Marlboro





What is a CHNA?

A Community Health Network (CHNA) is a local coalition of public, non-profit, and private sectors working together to build healthier communities in Massachusetts through community-based prevention planning and health promotion.

Each of the Commonwealth's 27 Community Health Networks collaboratively identifies local and regional health priorities, designs community-based prevention plans, and tracks success in achieving healthier communities.

Community Health Networks are designed to be:

  • Inclusive of key stakeholders in health improvement, including residents, consumers, coalitions, communities of faith, local and state governments, businesses, and providers of community-based health, education and human services

  • Reflective of age, racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation and linguistic diversity of the area

  • Working partnerships with the Department of Public Health.

What is the InterCHNA?


All twenty-seven of the Massachustts CHNAs are working together on:

  • Self education

  • Collaboration and networking

  • Collective action

  • Raising a collective voice for advocacy

Our mission is to bring forward the voice of public health in our communities and to broaden the scope and definition of public health by providing support, education, and opportunities for networking, as well as building collaboration, problem-solving, influencing policy, finding and developing resources and sharing best practices that aid in promoting CHNA work around health disparities, health equity and social determinants of health.

How can I get involved?

If you would like to be involved in planning an upcoming InterCHNA Gathering, please email any of the following people:

David Aronstein, Boston Alliance for Community Health at 617-279-2240

Wendy Garf-Lipp, United Neighbors of Fall River at 508-324-7900, Ext.103

David Weed, Partners for a Healthier Community Inc.at 508-837-9029

We are always interested in hearing your thoughts on topics and issues of common interest that we can discuss at our two gatherings each year as well as hearing from anyone willing to work actively with us to plan the next event!